Posts by Caras & Shulman

Renting Out a Second Home

Renting Out a Second Home

In general, income from renting a vacation home for 15 days or longer must be reported on your tax return on Schedule E, Supplemental Income and Loss. You should also keep in mind that the definition of a "vacation home" is not limited to a house. Apartments, condominiums, mobile homes, and boats are also considered vacation homes in the eyes of the IRS. Tax rules on rental income from second homes can be confusing, especially if you rent the home out for several months of the year and use the...

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Avoiding an IRS Tax Audit

Avoiding an IRS Tax Audit

Just 0.45 percent of taxpayers were audited in fiscal year 2019. Still, with taxes becoming more complicated every year, there is an even greater possibility of confusion turning into a tax mistake and an IRS audit. Avoiding "red flags" like the ones listed below could help. Red Flags That Trigger IRS Audits Claiming Business Losses Year After Year When you operate a business and file Schedule C, the IRS assumes you operate that business to make a profit. Claiming losses year after year...

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Tax Tips for February 2021

Tax Tips for February 2021

Click on the links below to jump to each section in this article: Do You Need To File a 2020 Tax Return? Relief for Taxpayers Struggling With Tax Debts Five Tax Tips for Older Americans New Year, New Withholding? Who Qualifies for the Earned Income Credit   Do You Need To File a 2020 Tax Return? Most people file a tax return because they have to, but even if you don't, there are times when you should - because you might be eligible for a tax refund and not know it. The tax tips below...

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Integra International Audit & Accounting Alert – February 2021 (Issue 2)

AT-A-GLANCE For the past quarter century, every two years the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has issued a comprehensive analysis of the impact of financial fraud. However, with the rise of the coronavirus pandemic this past year, the ACFE has supplemented the biennial report with quarterly updates assessing specifically the impact of COVID-19 on fraud within organizations. This issue of the Audit & Accounting Alert summarizes the latest findings. Our Worldwide Update is...

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Taxable vs. Nontaxable Income

Taxable vs. Nontaxable Income

Are you wondering if there's a hard and fast rule about what income is taxable and what income is not taxable? The quick answer is that all income is taxable unless the law specifically excludes it. But as you might have guessed, there's more to it than that. Taxable income includes any money you receive, such as wages, tips, and unemployment compensation. It can also include noncash income from property or services. For example, both parties in a barter exchange must include the fair market...

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Social Security Benefits and Taxes: The Facts

Social Security Benefits and Taxes: The Facts

What to Know About Social Security Benefits and Taxes Social Security benefits include monthly retirement, survivor, and disability benefits; they do not include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, which are not taxable. Generally, you pay federal income taxes on your Social Security benefits only if you have other substantial income in addition to your benefits. Examples include wages, self-employment, interest, dividends, and other taxable income that must be reported on your tax...

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Employer Tax Credit Extended for Payroll Workers

Employer Tax Credit Extended for Payroll Workers

The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020, enacted December 27, 2020, made several changes to employee retention tax credits. These tax credits were previously made available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The most notable change was the modification of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). Several of the changes apply only to 2021, while others apply to both 2020 and 2021. As such, employers can take advantage of the newly-extended...

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What’s New for 2020 Tax Returns

What’s New for 2020 Tax Returns

What to be Aware of for your Tax Returns As always, taxpayers should be aware of several key items involving credits, deductions, and refunds when filing their tax returns. Let's take a look: 1. Recovery Rebate Credit/Economic Impact Payment. In January, the Treasury Department and the IRS began sending the second round of Economic Impact Payments (EIP2) to millions of Americans as part of the implementation of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. As with the...

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Tax Filing Season Starts February 12

Tax Filing Season Starts February 12

Although tax season usually starts in late January, this year, the tax filing season is delayed until February 12, 2021. The delayed start date for individual tax return filers allowed the IRS time to do additional programming and testing of IRS systems following the December 27, 2020, tax law changes that provided a second round of Economic Impact Payments and other benefits to many taxpayers. This programming work is critical to ensuring IRS systems run smoothly to minimize refund delays and...

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Integra International Audit & Accounting Alert – January 2021 (Issue 1)

AT-A-GLANCE For the past quarter century, every two years the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has issued a comprehensive analysis of the impact of financial fraud. However, with the rise of the coronavirus pandemic this past year, the ACFE has supplemented the biennial report with quarterly updates assessing specifically the impact of COVID-19 on fraud within organizations. This issue of the Audit & Accounting Alert summarizes the latest findings. Our Worldwide Update is...

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