Our Vision & Values at Work

“A satisfied, successful client is our #1 priority.”
Caras & Shulman, PC is dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients as an integral management and financial team, to enhancing our range of services and areas of expertise, and to creating a positive team environment where staff members can attain goals beyond their current levels.
For Our Clients:
We have established a standard of excellence that is applied to all services provided to our clients. This goes beyond technical accuracy to value-added service from the client’s perspective.
We are committed our client’s to profitable growth in a reasonable, realistic manner.
We conduct business with a commitment to high ethical principles including honesty, responsibility and trust.
We are dedicated to meeting all deadlines and client needs.
For Our Staff:
We recognize that the Firm’s staff is its most valuable asset. We provide an atmosphere in which there is a free interchange of thoughts and ideas. Every staff member is a vital part of our success and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Personal Development
We genuinely care about our employee’s goals, interests, and success. We are dedicated to providing ample opportunities and resources to help staff members grow and succeed. We reward our staff for setting and meeting objectives that are in keeping with the Firm’s goals.